“Integrate the new shape of things in communication and press relations”
The actual context has changed the shape of the things in the communication world: new ways of communicating, restrictions increasing more ROI actions, web 2.0, sustainable development … At the time of the relation with your clients evolves, these evolutions need more creativity but also a good comprehension about the stakes of your job.
To do so, it is essential to be able to integrate in your business plan:
- The numeric revolution which deeply modifies the relation with clients but also your way of managing the communication and the image of the company: e-trust, content management and wiki blog feeding. All these elements impact on your communication and your image but can be found as great communication tools as they are correctly used.
- The rise of a Social Responsibility by companies in marketing strategy: sustainable development has become an economical, normalized and long-termed strategic challenge which can’t be neglected and being put aside from the image of your company. It implies to know how to create the good piece of information which enhances your brand without falling into greenwhashing. Your clients, suppliers, shareholders and the entire ecosystem are part of this responsible approach.
- The localization importance in your communication : As a French subsidiary of an international group or as a wish to settle abroad, it is essential to stake on local providers in the development of your local communication. Although English is largely spoken by numerous CEO, the expression through a local communication stays still the best tool for companies.
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